Immersive learning has numerous advantages, including the ability to en-gage students and immerse them in simulated environments, mitigate the dangers associated with real-world mistakes, and facilitate the development and enhancement of practical skills. This study reports an experimental in-vestigation involving four participants in a Software Engineering (SE) course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, aimed at assessing the development of a Virtual Environment (VE) for teaching SE aspects, with a focus on software quality. The study provided evidence regarding the envi-ronment’s impact on improving learning outcomes in the subject. The find-ings indicated that VE containing particular SE characteristics is essential for enhancing immersive experiences and optimizing learning outcomes in SE.
FERNANDES, FILIPE; CASTRO, DIEGO; RODRIGUES, CLAUDIA; WERNER, CLĂUDIA . Software Engineering Education Through Immersive Learning Environments. In: techLING 2024, 2024, Rio de janeiro. 7th International Congress of Languages, Linguistic, and Technology, 2024.